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Did you know that your website is probably one of the richest and most valuable points of contact with your best customers? Over the last five years, the work CRM Metrix has conducted with Fortune 500 companies such as Kraft, Levis, P&G and others demonstrated that branded website properties not only attract the most valuable customers of a brand but also provide unrivalled opportunities to create strong experiences that build long lasting and profitable relationships. 
Clearly, the people that want to have relationships with your brand visit your website. Even more interesting is the fact that the same people are also ready and willing to share ideas, provide comments on your web properties and on how to improve your products and services. Every brand should tap into this invaluable resource to move your relationship marketing initiatives to the next level. As integrated marketing grows in importance and popularity, the brand website will become an increasingly critical inflection point for customer experience analysis. 
Did you ever imagine having an 'always on'
idea/opinion bank that you can utilize to develop your next website and email newsletter content, detect and build new ideas of products and services, or simply have feedback on a newly launched product? 

This is just the beginning of what our revolutionary brandDelphi can do for you. brandDelphi leverages web technology to effectively streamline the traditional "Delphi" method of trend and opportunity prediction. The brandDelphi online tool is an effective new idea generation tool that helps identify new trends
(weak signals amplified) and insights for enhancing your marketing and sales strategies. With this revolutionary application you can listen to and maintain a reciprocal learning environment with your customers. It's this in-depth interaction gives you the ability to Listen, Learn and Lead in ways you have never thought possible. 
Using our unique iterative algorithm, your customers are offered the chance to participate in an interactive problem-solving dialog. Through this process, they are exposed to and asked to comment on ideas/opinions about website improvements, new ideas for products/services etc. 
brandDelphi will then make sure that all submitted opinions are presented to other participants for possible selection and will dynamically retain only the most promising concepts. 
All data gathered during this process is immediately pushed directly in real-time to your company through our digital reporting system within a matter of hours .As a result you can build, design, price and deliver products, services and marketing programs in ways that may not have been possible before for a fraction of the cost that you currently pay today.
Click to learn more on brandDelphi methodology.

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Below is an example where the Interactive Marketing Group used brandDelphi to Listen, Learn and Lead new marketing initiatives. 

+ Financial Industry

Faced with the need to constantly have available fresh and useful insights that relate to improve the online customer experience, the interactive group of a Fortune 500 company was looking for a solution able to leverage the interactive power of the Internet to set up collaborative exchanges between consumers and the website. After having reviewed existing traditional online surveys package, the Interactive group simply realized that only brandDelhi was really able to simultaneously engage the collective brain power of thousands of consumers in a true collaborative exercise to exchange, build and detect new and exciting potential ideas to move the brand relationship program to the next level. 
Beyond capturing valuable insights and feedback directly related to the website content, consumers were also spontaneously providing comments related to potential improvements of the manufacturer services and products themselves. It was therefore decided to use brandDelphi in additional sessions for marketing and product development needs. 
For the first time, the interactive marketing group was not only able to actively and simultaneously involve valuable consumers in the active redesign of the website and the interactive program but brandDelphi also brought new light to the company marketing development plans. With a unique and wonderful ability to tap into the constructive ideas and suggestions of consumers to develop improved services and products. Interestingly, the interactive group was suddenly not regarded any more as an alternative way to reach consumers but as the best media to develop exchanges, conversations that lead to long lasting and profitable relationships. 
Request Demo to learn more

+ Automobile Industry

The consumer insights group of an automobile company wanted to develop a databank of innovative insights relating to their car models. They wanted this to be a continuous process of innovation gathering. An INNOVATION CENTER (powered by brandDelphi) was integrated into the website of the automobile company. Visitors to the website were invited to provide ideas/opinions on the car model of their choice. On each car model page there was an Innovation Center banner inviting users to provide ideas/opinions with respect to the car model.
Delphi Question Example : We are currently designing the 2006 model. According to you what designs and features would you like us incorporate in the back seat of this model to make your ride more enjoyable and safe?
THE DATABANK..  After about 6 months, the automobile company had powerful innovative consumer insights on every car model (A Strategic Competitive Advantage). This Idea Databank was available to relevant departments to the organization (Enterprise Marketing Intelligence Systems).

Request Demo to learn more

+ Other ways interactive marketing can use brandDelphi

Improve email newsletter to make it more effective.
Insights on including new features on the website.
Developing an innovation center where website visitors can provide ideas for products.
Collecting ideas how to improve online shopping experience.
Request Demo to learn more

why brandDelphi
+ Ideas, Ideas & Ideas
+ Foresee Market Trends
   Innovation Accelerated

Imagine if thousands of your customers all gathered in one room, to provide their ideas/opinions on how to improve your company, products, website, business processes, etc. They share and rank each others ideas - allowing the strongest to rise to the top for you to explore and act upon.

+ Visit a live brandDelphi session.
Schedule a brandDelphi demonstration.
+ Read our award winning white paper on weak signal market detection.
+ Detect new trends and
unsatisfied or latent customer needs through the web
+ Continuously connect and
exchange ideas with your
customers increasing retention  and brand affinity 

Develop more successful
products, services, package designs, advertising and    websites through incorporating customer ideation into the   development cycle.
Any Questions??
Please Call..

If you would like to discuss Brand Delphi with our consultants, feel free to call..
USA (NJ Office)                
 Mr. Hemen Patel
Mr. Dennis Hart
Europe (Paris Office)          
Mr. Laurent Flores
(33) 1 41 05 90 10


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