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A company's most powerful asset is the collective brainpower of it's customers.
With power in the marketplace shifting from sellers to buyers, enlightened sellers will need to adapt a new set of assumptions (Innovative Strategies) about what constitutes effective marketing. Furthermore, power is now shifting to customers. 

The bottom line is that since markets are changing faster than marketing, marketers need to rethink the process by which they identify, realize, communicate, deliver, converse and capture customer value. It therefore becomes mandatory to have available an 'always on' customer centric idea/opinion bank that marketing can turn to and scan the globe for hot, emerging consumer and marketing trends, and related new opportunities.

The brandDelphi online tool is an effective new idea generation software technology that helps identify new trends (weak signals amplified) and insights for enhancing your marketing strategies. This tool has proven itself with Fortune class brands in answering the following questions:
+ What brand messages resonate the most with your prospects and customers? 
+ Do the same messages motivate both your loyal and switching customers? 
+ What services and features will help you build long lasting relationships with your best customers?
+ Which pricing, packaging, and services will maximize sales? 
+ What are the key differentiating values of your brands? 
+ How can you continuously differentiate your product from your competitors? 

brandDelphi leverages web technology to effectively streamline the traditional "Delphi" method of trend and opportunity prediction. The brandDelphi online tool is an effective new idea generation software technology that helps identify new trends (weak signals amplified) and insights for enhancing your marketing strategies. 
With this revolutionary application you can listen to and maintain a reciprocal learning environment with your customers. It's in-depth interaction gives you the ability to Listen, Learn and Lead in ways you have never thought possible. 
Using our unique iterative algorithm, customers are offered the chance to participate in an interactive problem-solving dialog. Through this process, they are exposed to and asked to comment on ideas/opinions about products and services. brandDelphi will then make sure that all submitted opinions are presented to other customers for possible selection and will dynamically retain only the most promising concepts. 
All data gathered during this process is immediately pushed directly in real-time to your company through our digital reporting system within a matter of hours. As a result you can build, design, price and deliver products and services in ways that may not have been possible before for a fraction of the cost that you currently pay today. 
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Below is an example where a Marketing Manager used brandDelphi to Listen, Learn and Lead new marketing initiatives. 

+ Auto Industry

Faced with the need to specifically adapt its local promotion campaigns across the US 50 states, a leading car manufacturer was looking for ways to quickly and economically involve both local customers/prospects as well as local dealers into the development of features and ideas of the promotion campaign that will resonate most to drive customers to car dealers. It was decided to simultaneously launch multiple brandDelphi sessions to tap into the collective brain power to identify and develop ideas that will make the more sense across states and individually. 
In a matter of a week, compared to what could have taken several weeks or months, customers and dealers across the 50 states were invited to brain storm about the actual features that will be the most relevant for their markets. Over 250 distinctive ideas were collected and helped develop specific local promotion features that will directly meet local customers/dealers expectations and maximize effectiveness! 
For the first time, the central marketing group was able to actively and simultaneously involve all dealers and customers across the country to maximize the promotional marketing campaign effectiveness. The result was not only a direct and immediate increase of the program effectiveness over past experiences but also a simple ability to actively involve people across the organization from central to local in order to directly impact the bottom line and develop the company culture. Since then, the manufacturer turns to brandDelphi regularly not only for its US marketing ideation needs but also to explore and involve people (customers, marketing colleagues, and from other functions) across the globe. 
Request Demo to learn more

+ Other ways marketing professionals can use brandDelphi

Competitive analysis
Market entry strategies
Building customer loyalty
Sales promotion ideas
Customer acquisition strategies
Discovering unarticulated customer needs
What promotions will work
Customer acquisition ideas

Request Demo to learn more

why brandDelphi
+ Ideas, Ideas & Ideas
+ Foresee Market Trends
   Innovation Accelerated

Imagine if thousands of your customers all gathered in one room, to provide their ideas/opinions on how to improve your company, products, website, business processes, etc. They share and rank each others ideas - allowing the strongest to rise to the top for you to explore and act upon.

+ Visit a live brandDelphi session.
Schedule a brandDelphi demonstration.
+ Read our award winning white paper on weak signal market detection.
+ Detect new trends and
unsatisfied or latent customer needs through the web
+ Continuously connect and
exchange ideas with your
customers increasing retention  and brand affinity 

Develop more successful
products, services, package designs, advertising and    websites through incorporating customer ideation into the   development cycle.
Any Questions??
Please Call..

If you would like to discuss Brand Delphi with our consultants, feel free to call..
USA (NJ Office)                
 Mr. Hemen Patel
Mr. Dennis Hart
Europe (Paris Office)          
Mr. Laurent Flores
(33) 1 41 05 90 10


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