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Most CEOs would agree that one of the most important assets of any company is its Human Resources department. Unfortunately, although the collective brainpower of employees at all levels may be of extreme value and importance, it is not yet sufficiently encouraged nor leveraged. In most cases, even if an internal 'idea box' exists, it often remains rarely used and is not well regarded since it can be too static and not truly effective in its workings. However, Employee Innovation remains a powerful force an organization must tap into. 
Your employees can offer a wide array of ideas/opinions for improvements encompassing management, marketing, branding, cost management, distribution strategies, employee programs, etc. When you bring out the "inner innovator" that resides in every employee, amazing things begin to happen. 
Your company becomes more customer-centric, streamlined, growth-oriented, and therefore more profitable. In short, it becomes strong and resilient enough to weather the hurricane of change that's reshaping the landscape of our business world today. Developing an 'always on' idea/opinion bank will be an invaluable treasure of innovative ideas/opinions your organization can utilize. 
This is just the beginning of what our revolutionary brandDelphi can do to empower your organization. brandDelphi leverages web technology to effectively streamline the traditional "Delphi" method of idea development. The brandDelphi online tool is an effective new idea generation software technology that helps identify new ideas (weak signals amplified) and insights for enhancing your company strategy at all levels. 

With this revolutionary application you can listen to and maintain a reciprocal learning environment with your employees and customers. It's in-depth interaction gives you the ability to Listen, Learn and Lead in ways you have never thought possible. 
Using our unique iterative algorithm, employees at all levels are offered the chance to participate in an interactive problem-solving dialog. Through this process, they are exposed to and asked to comment on ideas/opinions about things and initiatives to improve to make the company better. brandDelphi will then make sure that all submitted opinions are presented to other employees for possible selection and will dynamically retain only the most promising concepts. 

All data gathered during this process is immediately pushed directly in real-time to your company through our digital reporting system within a matter of hours. As a result you can involve employees at all levels to improve and build a better working environment that will eventually lead to better product and financial performance. You will finally be able to achieve a high level of company endorsement across the board in ways that may not have been possible before. You can then count on every employee to change things for the better.
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Below is an example of how a Human Resources Department used brandDelphi to Listen, Learn and Lead employee involvement and participation in the company reorganization development. 

+ Information Technology

A computer manufacturing company was undergoing major management and organizational change and the Human Resource group wanted to ensure that employees understood the change and how it would affect their work. 
As part of the transition process, they decided to consult employees and collect their ideas/opinions to guide the process. This process would install a feeling of employee involvement.
The company was able to exceed their expected participation rate in the process as more people were able to contribute, and they attained a number of good ideas that were considered worthy of inclusion in the change program. More importantly, employees were able to see their input incorporated and felt more involved in the change process, making it an easier transition. Management appreciated the contributions from employees and are enthusiastic about getting more input on future strategic projects.

Request Demo to learn more

+ Hospitality Industry

The CEO was under pressure to reduce costs from all facets of the business (manufacturing, sales, marketing, accounting, corporate, etc). He needed innovative cost savings insights in a short period of time. 
It was decided to get insights from each department individually. brandDelphi was deployed for each department and employees were asked to participate.
In just two days, this company was able to identify several cost-saving benefits. Particularly noteworthy was a single idea from a secretarial assistant that ended up saving the company over $
50,000! Top level executives were impressed with the obvious potential for a high Return On Investment. 

Request Demo to learn more

+ Other ways human resources can use brandDelphi

Improve employee benefit programs
Improve efficiency of office management
More efficient recruitment ideas
Improve employee retainment
Offering better work environments
Gather employees opinions and perspectives on company issues.
Request Demo to learn more

why brandDelphi
+ Ideas, Ideas & Ideas
+ Foresee Market Trends
   Innovation Accelerated

Imagine if thousands of your customers all gathered in one room, to provide their ideas/opinions on how to improve your company, products, website, business processes, etc. They share and rank each others ideas - allowing the strongest to rise to the top for you to explore and act upon.

+ Visit a live brandDelphi session.
Schedule a brandDelphi demonstration.
+ Read our award winning white paper on weak signal market detection.
+ Detect new trends and
unsatisfied or latent customer needs through the web
+ Continuously connect and
exchange ideas with your
customers increasing retention  and brand affinity 

Develop more successful
products, services, package designs, advertising and    websites through incorporating customer ideation into the   development cycle.
Any Questions??
Please Call..

If you would like to discuss Brand Delphi with our consultants, feel free to call..
USA (NJ Office)                
 Mr. Hemen Patel
Mr. Dennis Hart
Europe (Paris Office)          
Mr. Laurent Flores
(33) 1 41 05 90 10


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