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"The customer is king" Almost every Brand Manager would agree that the consumer has more power than ever. The challenge is having continuous, direct access to the right customers, in order to know what they are thinking and what their needs are before your competition. Just a few years ago this would have sound like an idealistic goal of a freshly minted MBA, but given the rapid growth of the web and technologies such as brandDelphi however, science fiction has become reality and customer relationships are the new battleground. 
brandDelphi provides an ability to quickly and easily access customer ideas related to branding, ad campaigns or fresh new opinions about promotional campaign/product concepts. Now, instead of just relying on your marketing experience and "gut feeling, you can tap into the collective brain power of thousands of your customers with just a few clicks. 
Using this powerful web-based tool, you will have the ability to do this from the comfort of your desk and get results back in hours rather than days or weeks. Having this ability will allow you to directly integrate the voice of the customer into your brand strategies. Your job will be easier and your new ability to enhance customer relationships will welcomed by your superiors.
This is just the beginning of what our revolutionary brandDelphi can do for you. brandDelphi leverages web technology to effectively streamline the traditional "Delphi" method of idea development combining the best benefits of qualitative and quantitative feedback and make it directly available from the comfort of you desk to offer an 'always on 'Customer Idea/opinion Bank'.
The brandDelphi online tool is an effective new idea generation software technology that helps identify new trends
(weak signals amplified) and insights for enhancing your daily brand management practice.
With this revolutionary application you can listen to and maintain a reciprocal learning environment with your customers. This in-depth interaction gives you the ability to Listen, Learn and Lead in ways you've never thought possible. 
Using our unique iterative algorithm, customers are offered an opportunity to participate in an interactive problem-solving dialog. Through this process, they are exposed to and asked to comment on ideas/opinions about products and services. brandDelphi will then make sure that all submitted opinions are presented to other customers for possible selection and will dynamically retain only the most promising concepts. 
All data gathered during this process is immediately pushed in real-time to your company through our digital reporting system within a matter of hours. As a result you can build, design, price and deliver products and messages in ways that may not have been possible before for a fraction of the cost that you currently pay today for traditional focus groups. Click to learn more on brand Delphi methodology.

Click Here To Try Participate In 'A Live brand Delphi Session'.
Click Here To View Sample of brandDelphi Report.

Below is an example that shows how a Brand Manager used brandDelphi to get an early read on consumer feedback consecutive to a recent product launch. 

+ Consumer Packaged Goods

The recent launch of new product is not in line with company expectations in terms of sales. Early indications coming from the sales force show potential consumer concerns about product usage. It is noon, the Brand Manager responsible for this new product launch is asked to by top management to provide top line information (by 9am the following day) on consumer acceptance and potential ideas and directions to quickly improve sales. What to do? Turning to a traditional a focus group? No, no real time for this, and you want ideas not discussions per say. Beyond this, you do not know how and where to find ‘early product adopters’ of the product to provide ideas and feedback?
BrandDelphi is the answer. In a matter of less than two hours, the brandDelphi session is up and recruitment can take place from the umbrella brand website, more specifically from the new product micro-site. We are now in a position to only easily profile the current users and buyers of the new product, but we are now also able to identify potential problems with product usage and ideas, solutions suggested and polished by consumers themselves to improve things. From the comfort of his desk, the Brand Manager actively observes and learns and even actively participate by injecting new ideas to solve the issues and get immediate feedback from consumers themselves. It is now 6pm and our Brand Manager has more than 500 users’ feedback and ideas!
Using the BrandDelphi digital dashboard automatic reporting he can now instantly create his top line presentation for management. Thanks to brandDelphi, he was able to profile products users and buyers, identify the major issues faced and given a dozen of potential ideas to solve the issue. Empowered by the consumers themselves and brandDelphi he can now go to his meeting with confidence to offer different options for action. He know that even if further refinement of ideas is necessary he can turn to brandDelphi and find the answers in a matter of hours.
Request Demo to learn more

+ Other ways brand managers can use brandDelphi

Brand launch strategies
Better brand experience
Extending the brand
Increase frequency of brand usage
Understand brand differentiation
Strengthening competitive position 
SWOT analysis from your customers perspective
Request Demo to learn more

why brandDelphi
+ Ideas, Ideas & Ideas
+ Foresee Market Trends
   Innovation Accelerated

Imagine if thousands of your customers all gathered in one room, to provide their ideas/opinions on how to improve your company, products, website, business processes, etc. They share and rank each others ideas - allowing the strongest to rise to the top for you to explore and act upon.

+ Visit a live brandDelphi session.
Schedule a brandDelphi demonstration.
+ Read our award winning white paper on weak signal market detection.
+ Detect new trends and
unsatisfied or latent customer needs through the web
+ Continuously connect and
exchange ideas with your
customers increasing retention  and brand affinity 

Develop more successful
products, services, package designs, advertising and    websites through incorporating customer ideation into the   development cycle.
Any Questions??
Please Call..

If you would like to discuss Brand Delphi with our consultants, feel free to call..
USA (NJ Office)                
 Mr. Hemen Patel
Mr. Dennis Hart
Europe (Paris Office)          
Mr. Laurent Flores
(33) 1 41 05 90 10


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